Thursday, October 22, 2009

This week we have dealt with Christ's mentioning of the law, in Matthew 5:17-20. Christ makes a point that He did not come to abolish the law but to accomplish its purpose. As we look at the law we find that its purpose was to show man his need for God. It points to ultimately us needing an ultimate sacrifice which undoubtedly leads us to Jesus.

Here is the things that we have spent time on with the students this past Sunday and Wednesday:

1. We pointed out the different types of laws that existed throughout the Old Testament.
2. We showed Christ words to us about His relationship with the law.
3. When then took this and looked how we are to respond to the law.

We concluded that it is so easy for us to find our way just like the Pharisees being wrapped up in keeping the BIG laws on the outside but forgetting to have a changed heart. Christ said that if we even ignore the least of the laws that we will be counted as the least in the kingdom of Heaven. This will now launch us into Christ next message of a life and heart changed by him. Christ takes the act of murder to also the thoughts and attitude of anger and he takes the act of adultery to thoughts of lust.

Thanks for reading and being involved.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Life of Christ "The Beatitudes"

Over the past few weeks we have been spending our time going through the life of Christ according to the book of Matthew. We have entered into the Beatitudes that Christ shares with his disciples. It is understood that these are marks or characteristics of a follower of Christ.

This Wednesday we will be sharing with your students the last five Beatitudes.

Matthew 5:7

- God blesses the merciful

> Mercy is simply not getting what we deserve. Our goal is to remind students that mercy is something that we have been given by God and therefore we must also give in return. The reaction to receiving should be giving.

Matthew 5:9

- God blesses the peace maker

> Peace in this sense can simply mean to bring good into others lives. Peace is not causing turmoil. For students the hardest places to be a peacemaker are at home with parents and siblings and at school with friends. Christ brought peace into the world.

Matthew 5:8

- God blesses those whose hearts are pure

> This was such a huge thing for Christ to say to the disciples because during this time the peoples example was the religious leaders who focused on the outside as a testament to your righteousness. Christ challenge is that what is really in the heart is what really comes out. Being pure in heart is seeking to stay clean.

> Other Scripture used for pure in heart - Matthew 15:1-2; 7-9; 16-20, Ephesians 5:1-2; 3-5; 6-9

Matthew 5:10-12

- Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing right, following Christ

> Persecution is a sign that we are doing something right, living a life that reflects Christ. The fact that we are being persecuted is proof that we are being faithful; those who are faithless go easily unnoticed by those on the outside (many times people notice no difference in them, therefore they notice no Savior).

As an example we will be reading the story of a young man in Indonesia who suffered for Christ.
- Here is the link to that story - Roy Pontoh

Our Goal:

- As we journey through this together we want students to see that a life marked by following Christ is more than just coming to church. When we truly seek to follow him what develops is a life that is blessed (the beginning of each Beatitude) whether by giving peace, being pure in heart, or being persecuted.

Questions to ask your student:

1. What is the hardest part for you about following Christ?
2. Is there anyone that you are struggling to give mercy to?
3. What place is it hardest for you to be peace maker?
4. Do you feel like I am a peace maker?
5. What do you think it means to be pure in heart?
6. Do you ever feel like you are looked down on because of your faith?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reflect Blog "What is this for?"

Welcome Reflect Student Ministry Parents,

I would like to take this first blog to explain to you what this is about. Over the past four years we have had the incredible opportunity to work with students at Bethany Ministries. We have seen God do incredible things. One thing that we feel we have missed, is connecting parents. This ranges from helping you in the discipleship of your child, equipping you with tools, and also involving you in the things we are teaching your students.

This blog is one of the ways we feel we can bring you more into what we are called to do, minister to and equip the family, and also help you do what you are called to do, disciple and raise your children. Each week we will be posting what we are teaching your child for Bible study on Sundays, Wednesday nights, small groups, and also other discipleship events. Please use this as a chance to get involved with the spiritual growth of your student. We will give you questions to ask your student and also implications for you as a parent.

You will also find updates on upcoming events and things of this sort. Check it often and feel free to post questions or comments. This is one of our first steps in joining with parents. We look to add equipping seminars and more soon.

Thanks so much for being a part of the ministry and allowing us to minister to you and your student.

Warren East